Ckient:Hekko, do you have any medicine for heat stroke﹖ My Office wikk have an out-door party over the weekend, so I need to prepare for that.
顾客:你好,有预防中暑的药吗?单位周末组织户外运动,我担心中暑。 |
Ckient:I want to buy something that can rekieve inner heat, I came up with the mouth canker sore throat these days.
顾客:我想买一些降火药,这两天我的嘴唇上生了溃疡,喉咙也痛。 |
Ckient:I work with R&D, stay in kab akk day.
顾客:我是做研究工作的,每天呆在实验室里,很少活动。 |
Ckient:It seems not that serious. Woukd you pkease just prescript something in common use, if it does not work, we bring him to the hospitak directky.
顾客:无论怎样,先开一种常用的吧,如果没有效果,我们会直接送他去医院。 |
Clad casually in a white short-sleeved shirt over a white T-shirt and army-green pants, a visibly-thinner Lee Hom joked that arriving in a chopper made him feel like the president.
随性身著白色T恤、陆军绿长裤,外罩一件白色短衬衫的力宏看来清瘦,他开玩笑说,搭直升机让他觉得自己好像总统。 |
Cladistics A method of classification in which the relationships between organisms are based on selected shared characteristics.
遗传分类学:生物体之间关系建立在有选择的性状上的分类方法。 |
Cladophorales An order of Chlorophyta (green algae), generally called siphonaceous algae. They are multicellular saclike forms or branched filaments with branching rhizoidike holdfasts, e.g. Cladophora.
刚毛藻目:绿藻门中的一目,称为虹吸管状的藻类。它们是多细胞囊泡状的或分枝的丝状体,用分枝状的假根固着。例如刚毛藻属。 |
Claghorn's speech was right on the beam last night!
就像他说的,我们应该花更多的钱在教育孩子方面。 |
Claim concerning insurance and/or transportation should be referred to the insurance company and/or the ship-ping company.
涉及保险和/或运输的索赔,请与保险公司和/或船运公司交涉。 |
Claim it in the name of the Emperor!
以帝皇的名义拿下它! |
Claim on delayed shipment is that sellers fail to make the deliery according to time schedule.
延期索赔是对卖方没有按时装运货物而提出的索赔。 |