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We love in vain narcissistic & so shallow.

We lost the election because of the apathy of our supporters. 由于我们支持者的冷漠我们在选举中输了。
We lost the project. Rainbow Company beat us to the draw. 这个项目我们没有拿到,因为彩虹公司抢先了一步。
We lost the way in the dark. 我们在黑夜中迷路了。
We love a person only because we think that he or she is in possession of the quality we respect. 我们之所以爱一个人,只由于我们认为那个人具有我们所尊重的品质。
We love each other very much. 我们相亲相爱。
We love in vain narcissistic & so shallow. 我们的所爱是如此的徒然无用,其实是自我陶醉和如此的浅薄!
We love it. We must protect it. 我们爱它。我们保护它。
We love life,not beacause we are used to living but because we are used to loving. 我们热爱人生,并不因为我们习惯于生存,而是因为我们习惯于爱.
We love one another as well as there is no silent and love garden of Eden for us. 我们像他们一样彼此相爱;但对我们来说,却没有静谧可爱的伊甸园。
We love our great motherland. 我们热爱我们伟大的祖国。
We love our great socialist motherland. 我们热爱伟大的社会主义祖国。

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