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The initialization of a data medium such that a particular computer system can store data in and subsequently retrieve data from the medium.

The initial stone circle at Stonehenge—the so-called sarsen stones—has been radiocarbon-dated to between 2600 and 2500 B.C. 对巨石阵中的石材(就是所谓的砂岩石)进行放射性碳测定,日期在公元前2600年到公元前2500年之间。
The initial sweetness floated her in the mid air, but she had to stand on the ground with both feet after all. 最初的甜蜜,让她在半空中悬浮和飘游,可是,人们的双足,却终究是要踏在地面。
The initial symptoms of the disease are fever and sore throat. 这种病初期的症状是发烧和喉咙痛。
The initial to-do list is well known. 民主党上任的三把火可谓众所周知。
The initial treatment for a tendinopathy usually entails warming up the muscle/tendon before exercise, resting it, applying ice and wrapping it shortly afterward, and taking pain relievers. 早期的对于腱子病变衰退的治疗一般要在联系前活动开肌肉/腱子,放松它们,随后用冰块短时间包裹在肌肉/腱子周围,而后再服用止痛药。
The initialization of a data medium such that a particular computer system can store data in and subsequently retrieve data from the medium. 数据媒体的初始化,使某一特定计算机系统能将数据存在媒体中,随后又可从该媒体中检索出来。
The initialization parameter SERVICE_NAMES identifies which database services an instance belongs to. 如果我创建了多个数据库,这句话的意思是不是可以通过设置service_names来指定登陆是使用哪个数据库?
The initializer must be an expression. 初始化器必须是一个表达式。
The initiated Taoist priest saw the many gods as manifestations of the one Dao. 开始的道教祭司(道士)把很多神视为同一的道的各种表现。
The initiated know her to be Notre Dame Des Cross. 这种传授也认为她是圣母玛利亚的玫瑰十字。
The initiation and growth of short fatigue cracks is a nonlinear kinetic process, and the short fatigue cracks' propagation rate is characterized as chaos and self-organized. 摘要短裂纹的萌生与扩展是一复杂的非线性动力学过程,短裂纹扩展速率具有非线性动力学系统的混沌现象和自组织特征。

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