e.g. The group now consists of 29 autonomous companies, each with its own Managing Director.
该集团现在由29个具有自主经营权的公司组成, |
e.g. The job losses stem largely from the amalgamation of TSB’s bank and insurance operations into a unified ‘bancassurance’.
丧失工作岗位主要是由于信托储蓄银行的银行业务和保险业务合并成为统一的银行保险业而引起的。 |
e.g. The latest development is the use of the virtual office to provide essential back-up facilities to the self-employed.
目前,虚拟办公室的最新进展是被用来为个体经营者提供基本的支持设备。 |
e.g. The shop assistant scanned the bar code to check the price.
店员对条形码扫描以核对价格。 |
e.g. This is a model with automatic redialing.
这种型号的电话具有自动重拨功能。 |
e.g. To be bilingual, one has to be bicultural.
要掌握两种语言,必须掌握两种文化。 |
e.g. When do you think the President will confirm you in office?
你认为什么时候总统会批准你执政。 |
e.g. documentation for export shipments includes the bill of lading.
出口货物运输所需文件包括提单。 |
e.g. if the market is thought to be poor and prices on the Stock Exchange are thought to be likely to fall, the market is called to be a bear market.
市场疲软,股价看跌,这种股市被称为熊市。 |
e.g. successful managers must know how to read the balance sheet.
出色的经理必须知道如何阅读资产负债表。 |
e.g. the beneficiary-the person who gets the money when someone dies-is usually a member of the policyholder’s family.
人寿保险收益人通常是投保人的某一家庭成员。 |