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Brightly colored paintings by Congo the chimpanzee are going on sale at a prestigious London auction house alongside works by Andy Warhol and Renoir.

Bright: quick to learn; intelligent; smart? 伶俐的;聪明的;机灵的?
Brighten up your office with these jeweled accessories. 让水晶文具为你的办公室带来新的亮点吧!
Brighter than all the gladness of the crowd was the bright smile of a girl who bought for a farthing a whistle of palm leaf. 比一切群众的欢乐还光辉的,是一个花一文钱买到一个棕叶哨子的小女孩的光辉的微笑。
Brighteye :Jewish girls do marry outsiders. I know a Roman Catholic who has a Jewish wife. 回复:犹太女孩和外民族结婚.我认识一个罗马天主教徒的妻子是犹太人.
Brightly colored eggs are hidden for children to try to find. 色彩鲜艳的彩蛋被藏起来让小孩子们去找。
Brightly colored paintings by Congo the chimpanzee are going on sale at a prestigious London auction house alongside works by Andy Warhol and Renoir. 伦敦一家著名的拍卖行将出售黑猩猩刚果的绘画作品。这些色彩明艳的绘画将同画家安廸·沃霍尔和雷诺阿的作品一起被拍卖。
Brightness, Contrast, Levels and other hellish tasks. 亮度、对比度、层级和其他艰巨的任务。
Brighton is a famous seaside resort. 布赖顿是著名的海滨胜地。
Brighton is in southern England. 布赖顿在南英格兰。
Brighton is the healthiest city in Britain with the highest level of personal trainers, yoga clubs and health food stores, according to a survey released on Friday. 上周五的一项调查显示,英国城市布莱顿拥有全国最多的私人健身教练、瑜伽馆和健康食品店,因而被评为英国“最健康的城市”。
Brighton was the first major seaside town in England. It soon became Britain's most popular resort. 布莱顿是第一座重要的海滨城镇,很快这里就成为了英国最热门的度假胜地。

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