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The use of allograft ligaments and tendons in knee surgery is discussed in Chapter 46.

The use of a mobile phase containing an ion pairing reagent makes it compulsory to rinse the entire chromatographic system with ultra-pure water at the end of the test and to purge the injector during this rinsing operation. 使用含离子对试剂的流动相时,检验结束后必须用超纯水淋洗整个色谱系统,并在淋洗时清洗进样器。
The use of a prescribed contract form can reduce the uncertainty. 使用预先已经拟定的合同文本可以降低合同履行过程中的不确定性。
The use of a software firewall on the server is not recommended, as it can adversely affect server performance and the overall gameplay experience. 在伺候器上的软件防火墙不推荐使用,它影响伺候器表现和全部的游戏可玩性。
The use of a stationary camera often implies objectivity as it is solely recording the reality unfolding before the lens. 摄影机静止不动的取景暗示著一种客观性,一种单纯的记录现实,不在镜头前做任何的更动。
The use of a water softener may decrease the life of the water heater tank. 使用软化水可能缩短热水器内胆的使用寿命。
The use of allograft ligaments and tendons in knee surgery is discussed in Chapter 46. 膝关节手术中对韧带和肌腱的应用在第46章讨论。
The use of an object-oriented programming language which is not suitable for analysis and design. 面向对象程序语言的用途并不适用于分析和设计.
The use of anaesthesia in operations is to give patients relief from pain. 手术中麻醉的作用是减轻病人的痛苦.
The use of approved type man cages as a means of elevating men to a work place is only permitted where the specific operation has been approved in writing by the relevant State Authority. 只有得到有关的政府当局的书面批准,才可使用其型式得到批准的载人罐笼作为把工人提升到高空进行作业作的工具。
The use of artistic media such as performance, photography, poetry, songs, documentaries is part of many COSWAS's tactics to encourage open discussions on sex-work-related issues. 为了鼓励开放讨论性工作的相关议题,日日春关怀互助协会所运用的战术包括表演、摄影、诗歌、纪录片等艺术媒介。
The use of aspirin may help counter this effect, according to a report in the May 16 online issue ofThe Lancet. 5月16,《柳叶刀》杂志在网上报道,应用阿司匹林可能对抗这种效果。

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