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It's already seven o'clock. Jack should be here at any moment.

It's almost time to go to bed. 快到上床的时候了。
It's almost time to go. 差不多是该走的时候了.
It's almost twenty feet wide. 它差一点就20英尺宽了。
It's almost/nearly two o'clock. 差不多两点了。
It's already 1:30 in the morning right now, but I have to update my blog because it has been too long! 现在已经是凌晨一点了,但我还是得来更新博客,实在隔的太久了!
It's already seven o'clock. Jack should be here at any moment. 已经7点钟了,杰克应该来了。
It's already too late to draw back. 现在要退出已经太迟了。
It's alright here as long as you keep your nose clean; if you don't, they treat you badly. 只要你安分守己,这里就太平。如果你捣乱,他们就会对你不客气。
It's also a country, a continent, of extreme climates. 这是一个有着极端的气候的国家和大洲。
It's also a good idea to review the solutions to some past problems experienced in matches before going out to play. 这也是一个好想法-在出去打球之前,对一些过去在比赛中经历的问题来检讨解决办法。
It's also a major destination for scuba divers, who come for the fabulous coral reefs and the wealth of marine life. 对于那些为了绝妙的珊瑚礁和丰富的海洋生物而来的深潜活动玩家来说,这里也是一个重要的目的地。

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