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She went on a long sea voyage .

She went off in the opposite direction. 她往相反的方向走了。
She went off the deep end at the mention of his name. 提起他的名字,她就失去了理智。
She went off to meet Findan and the elves two days ago and never came back. 两天前她出去找芬丹和精灵去了,至今未归。
She went off with the milkman. 她与送牛奶的人私奔了.
She went off without saying good-bye. 她不辞而别。
She went on a long sea voyage . 她乘船在海上长途旅行。
She went on a long sea voyage. 她乘船在海上长途旅行。
She went on sewing calmly. 她继续平静地干着手中的针线活。
She went on to complete a doctorate in aeronautical engineering at the California Institute of Technology. 她要对这群学生说:「西裔学生一样能够达成梦想,并且要怀抱远大的梦想,努力来实现愿望。
She went on to do some oral practice after the dictation. 听写完之后, 她又接着进行口头练习。
She went on/stood trial for murder. 她因涉及谋杀罪而受审.

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