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It is situated on Bai Causeway that runs across the Lake from west to east.

It is simultaneously intuitive and rational, whole, comprehensive, scientific, and artistic. 它同时具有直觉、推理、理解、科学和艺术多方面的因素。
It is sin that called forth the wonderful love of God in not sparing His Son. “罪”显明神奇妙的爱,不吝惜他独生的儿子。
It is situated at No. 1, Dacisi Road, Chengdu City and has Medium Department, Planning Department, Originality Department and Customer Service Department etc. 公司位于成都市大慈寺路1号,下设媒介部、策划部、创意部、客户服务部等部门。
It is situated in the Guangzhou Automobile Fittings Industry Town in Yonghe Town, Zengcheng County, Guangzhou city, and occupied 74,592M2 of land. 本公司管理规范,待遇优厚,并为员工提供完善的福利及培训发展计划。
It is situated in the Private Economy Zone of Ding Qiao, jiang Gan district of Hangzhou City. 公司成立至今,拥有子公司两家:海港木业(合资)、淮阴海利木业,总资产超过1亿元,员工1000多人。
It is situated on Bai Causeway that runs across the Lake from west to east. 它坐落在由西往东穿越于西湖的白堤上。
It is situated to the north-east of the main island. 这些岸外岛屿之中,最大的是乌敏岛.
It is six o'clock .You must have breakfast in your home. 现在是六点钟了,你一定是在自己的家里吃早餐吧。
It is slow to reload and lacks the distance of drawn bows but makes up for it in power. 尽管他的装弹速度很慢而且上弦距离长,威力却很大。
It is smooth in operation, convenient in installation, adjustment and maintenance. 本品运转平稳,便于安装、调整和维护。
It is snowing with feathery snowflakes. 天下起了羽毛般的雪片。

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