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A squad of Fallschirmjager who have infiltrated the battlefield will emerge from targeted buildings, or from Off-map if not targeted on buildings.

A sprinter's greater visibility is also assisted by the bow wave being bigger and the following trough being deeper. 游的快的运动员的可见度也得益于前面更大的涡流和其后的更深的波谷。
A spy operates secretly, in other words, by obtaining information on a secret basis. 间谍的活动是秘密地开展的,也就是说,通过秘密的方式获取情报。
A spy who operates from within an organization, especially a double agent operating against his or her own government from within its intelligence establishment. 间谍一个间谍,活动于一个组织内部,尤指一个双重间谍,从其情报建立的机构内部从事反对他的或她的政府的活动
A squad car went by at full speed. 一辆巡逻车全速驶过。
A squad is the smallest unit in an army. 班是军队的最小构成单位。
A squad of Fallschirmjager who have infiltrated the battlefield will emerge from targeted buildings, or from Off-map if not targeted on buildings. 一个已经渗透且进入了战场的德国伞兵班将从指定的建筑或占领点出现.
A squadron of ten planes and two helicopters continue searching for adventurer Steve Fossett. 十架空军飞机及两架军用直升机仍然在搜寻冒险家史蒂文弗赛特。
A squalid or filthy condition. 肮脏污秽或肮脏的状态
A square and an avenue are also named after the lady warrior. 有一个广场和一条大街也是以这位巾帼武士的名字命名的。
A square has four corners. 正方形有四个角。
A square has four corners; a cube has eight. 正方形有四个角儿; 立方体有八个角儿.

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