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He Perhaps heard of this name, but can not name it now.

He : If a sense of decency, emotional specificity, love life. Sincerely want to be a family man, please contact me. 他:要是一个品行端正,感情专一,热爱生活。诚心诚意想有一个家的男士,请跟我联系。
He Falls down and hits his uncle who is preparing a potion for the pets and it makes a mess of everythis in the shop. 他摔倒还撞到了正在准备给宠物炼制药水的叔叔,这次意外打乱了店里很多东西.
He Fei Duo Duo Suitcase Factory was established in 1990. 合肥多多箱包皮件厂成立于1990年。
He Houhua , a 44-year-old banker won Macao's top post in the election. 何厚铧,44岁,银行家,就得澳门行政长官的殊荣。
He Latinized his vocabulary to appear smart. 他拉丁语化他的词汇来展现聪颖。
He Perhaps heard of this name, but can not name it now. 他可能听说过这个名字,但现在不记得了.
He Tiesheng, as a unique and comprehensive painter of nonobjectivism, has become one of the most variable, complex and excellent artists with his wide view, profound artistic accomplishment and lonely practice. 何铁生,作为当代中国抽象艺术十分独特而全面的人物,正以其宽阔的视野、深厚的素养和孤独的实践,逐渐成为当下变化最多、最难以理解的才华横溢的杰出艺术家之一。
He Wants me to tell you What he's saying word for word. 他要我把他的话告诉你,一字不漏。
He Zhenbo: Master Candidate, Journalism Department of Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Social Science. 何振波:中国社会科学院研究生院新闻系研究生。
He Zhili, a villager in Wuxing Village, Ziyun County, Southwest China's Guizhou Province, is feeding cattle. 贵州省大营乡五星村农民何之礼在给牲畜喂食。
He [color=#FF0000]chipped in [/color]when I was about to answer his question. 我正准备回答他问题的时候,他就打断我的话。

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