You're pushing your luck! Is that all you've come back for?She didn't give him time to reply. No scones, but I've fresh bread which is just as good.
“你得寸进尺了吧!你回来就是为了这些吗?”她就没给他答复的时间。“没有烤饼,但我有一些新鲜的面包,也是同样不错的。 |
You're really facing humanity. There's an old saying, 'there's no atheists in the foxholes,' and it's sort of like that,said Kowalewski, the St. James rector.
「你要真正面对人性,有句古谚说:『散兵坑里没有无神论者』,大概就像那样,」洛杉矶圣公会雅各堂牧师柯瓦勒斯基说。 |
You're running around with other women,she charged.
她抱怨说:“你一定有了别的女人。” |
You're so nippy at it,John said, couldn't you do it very slowly once?
“你做得太快,”约翰说,“你能不能慢慢地做一次?” |
You're treating this war like it's just another street brawl. Your manner is truly splendid.
「这场战争对你而言只是街头混混的打架,这种态度实在不可多得。」 |
You're very unlike Mr. Watkins in that way,said his wife reproachfully.
“在这点上你和瓦特金斯先生可大不一样。“他妻子用责备的口吻说。 |
You've got an eggplant on your face, little daughter of Sakamoto.
“你脸上长了个茄子呢,坂本家的闺女。” |
You've got the piles, that's what.
“那就是你生痔疮了。” |
You've got to come,said Scott Harrison, a partner with the consulting group, Pacific Strategies and Assessments. They have to play hardball. Make the Chinese pay attention and play poker.
“你们应该来,”太平洋战略与评价公司的合作伙伴斯科特.哈里森说,“他们才会动真格的。要引起中国人的注意,让他们出牌。” |
You've no right to talk to the world's highest turtle.
“你没有权利与世界上最伟大的乌龟说话。 |
You've read too much! You're too learned! You're bringing us to a higher level where we don't need to be!- In jest rebuking a student with a tough question, 2 October 2001.
“你书念得太多!你太有学问!你把我们带上一个我们不需要去的层次!”─以揶揄斥责一个提出艰涩问题的学生,2001年10月2日。 |