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In the ischemic group, the infrarenal aorta was occluded for 0 min by a Bulldog clamp, then released.
缺血组于左肾动脉下夹闭腹主动脉 0分钟后开放灌注 ;

In the healthy controls,the positive rate of Uu was % Among them 0% was for parvo biovar and % for T 90 biovar Conclusion Uu is an important factor in the formation of PID,and there is a distinct correlation between T 90 biovar and PID 盆腔炎患者中 ,解脲脲原体的检出率为 % ,其中 parvo生物群占 9% ,T 9 0生物群占 % ,二者混合感染率为 % ; 对照组中解脲脲原体的检出率为 % ,其中parvo生物群占 0 % ,T 9 0生物群占 %。
In the hypertensive group, the positive stainings of bax in VSMC of arcuate and interlobar arteries (0. 90% and . 8% , respectively) were significantly lower than those(. 0% and . 0%) of the controls (P<0. 0). Bax基因蛋白在高血压组肾脏弓形动脉和叶间动脉VSMC中染色阳性率分别为0.90%和.8%,明显低于对照组的.0%和.0%(P<0.0)。
In the integrin-signal transduction pathway which FAK is central, except for the ras-MAPK pathway, there are also phosphatidylinositol- -kinase (PI K) and protein kinase B (serine/threonrine kinase, AKT) signal molecules. 以FAK为中心的整合素信号转导通路除了ras-MAPK信号途径外,还有磷脂酰肌醇- 激酶(phosphatidylinositol -kinase, PI K)和蛋白激酶B即AKT(serine/threonrine kinase,AKT)信号分子的参与。
In the interval training group their myomere were shortened, showing an incomplete diastole. Training effects were not good enough. 间歇训练组表现肌节缩短,显示舒张不完全,训练效果欠佳
In the irregular (type Ⅲ) effect the remanence shows a very jumble variation with stress. 在Ⅲ型效应中,剩磁随应力呈极不规律的变化.
In the ischemic group, the infrarenal aorta was occluded for 0 min by a Bulldog clamp, then released. 缺血组于左肾动脉下夹闭腹主动脉 0分钟后开放灌注 ;
In the last part of the thesis, the relations between Kafka's "images" and the "idolum" in the context of post-modernism are discussed. 本文的最后一部分还将卡夫卡的作品置于西方文学的“形而上欲望”的历史链条中,从“欲望中介”这一角度指出了卡夫卡的“形象/幻象”与后现代主义意义上的“幻象”之间的微妙关联与内在差异。
In the late 980s, the pollution peaked. 80年代末,污染达到高峰。
In the light of Iwao's method, the equation for Hoplopleura affinis is M *= .0 + .9M (r=0.7, P<0.0). Both α and β in the equation (α= .0, β=.9) are higher than 0 and , the border values for determining spatial pattern of populations. 按照Iwao方法所建立的回归方程为M = .0+.9M(r=0.7,P<0.0),所得到的α与β值(α= .0;β=.9)均明显高于判定界线值0和。
In the light of functions, the Tibetan architecture includes palace, temple, castle, manor, civil house and landscape architecture. 从功能上藏式建筑分为宫殿建筑、寺庙建筑、城堡建筑、庄园建筑和民居建筑以及园林建筑等种类;
In the long history of western music,polyphonic music emerges unique art glamor. 复调音乐在西方音乐漫长的历史长河中,以其艳丽的风姿,展现着其独特的艺术魅力。

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