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This novelist leaped to fame because of Farewell,Honey published in 1950,the inspiration of which was from his experience with a lassie on his brother's farm.

This novel is worth reading. 这本小说值得一读。
This novel may well become a classic. 这本小说很可能成为经典著作.
This novel shows a case that he treats the literature as a tool to serve the nationalism revolution. 它是骆宾基把文艺作为为民族主义革命斗争服务的一个具体例证。
This novel was one of last year's best-selling titles. 这本小说是去年最畅销的书之一。
This novel would dramatize well. 这部小说可改编得很好。
This novelist leaped to fame because of Farewell,Honey published in 1950,the inspiration of which was from his experience with a lassie on his brother's farm. 4这位小说家因于1950年出版<再见,亲爱的>一举成名,小说的灵感来自于他和一位姑娘在他哥哥农场的经历.
This numeric index approach performed more efficiently than existing string index approaches for music database retrieval. 在最近的路究报告中,我们提出了将音乐资料转换成数值形式,并建立数值索引结构,以估为音乐资料的撷取。
This nurse is in charge og the children. 孩子们由这位护士照管。
This nursery rhyme is very familiar to me. 我对这首摇篮曲很熟悉。
This nursery school aide in the west of England seems like an average young woman, a quiet, shy blonde who enjoys an occasional round of darts at the neighborhood pub. 这位住在英格兰西部的托儿所助理,是个安静害羞的金发女郎,看起来与一般年轻女性没有两样,喜欢到附近的酒馆坐坐,偶尔也来场掷飞镖比赛。
This nursery will be able to cater for 29 children. 这育婴室大概能迎合29位小孩。

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