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Employers are being encouraged to hire disabled workers.

Employer references on their letter headed paper, clearly showing the start and end dates of each position held during the employment, the job title and a description of duties and responsibilities held. 信头有雇主证明,清楚地显示出在雇用期间每个职位的开始和结束日期,工作岗位和责任描述。
Employer: Uh… not normally. What do you have in mind? 呃……一般是不行。你有什么想法?
Employer: Would you consider an offer of $56,000 per year? 年薪五万六千美元,可以考虑吗?
Employers and Labor Unions: We hold up for public execration the conduct of two opposite classes of men: The practice among employers of importing ignorant Negro-American laborers in emergencies, and then affording them neither protection nor permanent em 雇主和工会:我们把人们这样对待两个对立阶级的行径公之于众,使公众对之深恶痛绝:雇方一方在紧急情况下招进无辜的美国黑人工人,然后既不给他们提供保护,也不让他们长期就业;而工会一方则只因为他们是黑人,便排斥、抵制并欺压这批成千上万的劳苦工友。
Employers appear to be holding off on pay increases, using the money instead to pay for rising health-insurance bills, which now account for 7.7% of workers' compensation, up from 5.9% in 2000. 职员中延迟支付的现象也在上升,将原本用于健康保险的钱用于消费,这笔钱占员工工资从2000年的5.9%提高到现在的7.7%。
Employers are being encouraged to hire disabled workers. 雇主受鼓励雇用残废的工人。
Employers are liable for the unlawful action/s of their employees unless they can show they have taken all reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment. 雇主应为其员工的违法行为负责,除非他们能够证明,已采取全部合理措施来防止性骚扰。
Employers are looking for self-managingemployees—people who are versatile, confident, and not afraid to roll up their sleeves and get the job done. 雇主都希望找到能自我管理型的雇员,不仅要多才多艺,自信,还能马上进入工作状态。
Employers are prohibited from failing to hire perso in this age group, and they may not limit, segregate, cla ify, discharge, or force retirement upon their employees so as to discriminate agai t perso in this age group. 雇主不可故意不聘在40岁左右这个年龄段的雇员,并不可以对雇员限制、区分、解聘、或强迫退休造成对此年龄段的歧视。
Employers are prohibited from failing to hire persons in this age group, and they may not limit, segregate, classify, discharge, or force retirement upon their employees so as to discriminate against persons in this age group. 雇主不可故意不聘在40岁左右这个年龄段的雇员,并不可以对雇员限制、区分、解聘、或强迫退休造成对此年龄段的歧视。
Employers give red packets to their employees as a year-end bonus. 雇主发红包给他们的员工当作年终奖金。

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