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Then, lie the sedated female on the cotton pad, positioned so that you can clearly see the urogenital opening.

Then, just as they about to pounce, something would catch their attention. 然后,当它们将要一跃而起时,其它的什么却吸引了其注意力。
Then, last March, the NYSE Group was formed as a publicly traded company. 然后,去年三月,NYSE小组成立的一个公共交易公司。
Then, lastly, I work on the home page. 接下来所要做的就是最后的步骤——首页。
Then, let us shake on 70 US dollars. 那我们暂定在70美元。
Then, let's change a light topic? 让我们换换口味来一个轻松的话题。
Then, lie the sedated female on the cotton pad, positioned so that you can clearly see the urogenital opening. 然后把母鱼平放在湿棉花上,位置要摆放得便于你清除的观察它的生殖器孔。
Then, load up a sample lens file in ZEMAX format, and begin your modifications! 然后打开一个ZEMAX档案格式的文件,开始你的优化更改。
Then, look through the indexes and order as many documents as you'd like. 然后,浏览索引并且与你将喜欢比,订同样多文件.
Then, messages are quickly looked up for the translation to be used in the user interface. 然后翻译的信息被快速地查找出来并应用于用户界面。
Then, minimizing the performance by spectral factorization, we obtain an optimal controller design method, which can be used to take simultaneous account of model uncertainty and control energy constraint and evaluate optimal tracking performance and cont 然后通过谱分解极小化该性能指标,导出一个最优的控制器设计方法,可以兼顾模型不确定性和控制能量约束,在实际控制系统设计中可用来对最优跟踪性能和控制能量进行预估。
Then, more and more marketing activities come into non-profit sector and public service sector in the whole world. 随后,世界范围内的非营利部门和公共服务部门的营销活动不断增加。

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