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This is Anne Frank in May 1942.

This is Pork Small Intestines with Shredded Ginger. Is is made of pork small intestines, young ginger and stalks basil. Stalks basil is used quite a lot in Hakka dishes. 这是「姜丝粉肠」。是用猪小肠做的。里面还加有姜丝及九层塔做配料。九层塔的独持香味深为客家人所喜爱,而被大量用在菜肴中。
This is Preserved Chinese Radish Omelet. This is salty and nutrious. And is especially suitable for breakfast. 这是「菜脯煎蛋」。菜脯是加盐晒乾的萝卜,是下饭的好配料。菜脯蛋下饭又有营养,是早餐时最常见的一道菜。
This is 0.9.16 Chinese Trad Translation, based on the previous version. 这是一个0.9.16版的繁体中文翻译,直接由先前版本修改而来。
This is AP news in a minute. 美联社一分钟新闻.
This is American rush hour now. 在美国,现在这个时段正是高峰期。
This is Anne Frank in May 1942. 这是安妮?佛兰克摄于1942年五月。
This is Balin Chicken-blood colored Stone. It smblizeds “Longevity”. 巴林鸡血石,青松不老人长寿。
This is Betty from Parkway Health Clinic. 我是帕克街诊所的贝蒂。
This is Bob and that's Pete. They are Research Assistants. 这位是鲍勃,那个是皮特。他们是研发助理。
This is CIIC-Quest’s unique area of expertise. 这恰是中智-跨势最独特专业的领域。
This is CITS Yichang Company,operating the Yangtze Three Gorges Deluxe Cruise reservation and accepting.Looking forward to cooperating with you! 您好,我们是中国国旅宜昌公司,三峡旅游,长江三峡豪华涉外游轮销售,包租,预定以及地接,希望与您合作。

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