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Having worked in summer vacation time, the blog delays upgrading! I am sorry. But my working life has the one that notes down, come back, write in!

Having won a gold medal in the Olympics, 赢得奥运金牌,
Having won the first major debate, realism remained the dominant theoretical approach in IR. 在嬴得了第一次重大的辩论之后,现实主义在国际关系学(以下简称IR)中仍然是主导的理论性方法。
Having worked at a number of overseas entities of large American multinational companies, I've found that local employees often try to impress their American or UK managers with difficult English words or complicated, long-winded sentences. 一直在很多海外大型美国多国际企业工作,我发现很多当地员工经常试著在美国或英国经理面前使用非常艰深的英语字汇,还有复杂冗长的句子。
Having worked at restaurants for over 13 hours a day, many workers feel dead on their feet. (每天在餐馆工作13小时以上,许多工人都累坏了。)
Having worked for ten years, I'm still an office clerk. I can't help thinking I'm a failure. 工作了十年,仍然是办公室职员,我得承认自己是个失败者。
Having worked in summer vacation time, the blog delays upgrading! I am sorry. But my working life has the one that notes down, come back, write in! 暑期工作了,博客暂停更新!抱歉。可我的工作生活还是有纪录的,回来后再写进来吧!
Having worked there for 30 years, Haydn moved to London, where he was very successful. 在那里工作了30年后,海顿移居伦敦。在伦敦,他非常成功。
Having worth, merit, or value; useful or valuable. 有价值的具有价值或优点的;有用的或有价值的
Having wrongfully blamed a child, have the courage to apologize. By apologizing, you teach your child the importance of owning up to one's mistake and being responsible for one's behavior. 如果错怪了孩子,父母应该勇于对孩子说「对不起」;因为向孩子道歉也同时教育孩子知错能改,对自己的行为负责。
Having you for a mom is more fun than watching TV or bouncing on the bed. 有您当妈妈,比看电视或跳弹簧床好玩多了。
Having you two as my disciples before my death satisfied my wish. 有你二如我的弟子在我的死亡之前使了我的希望满意。

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