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This doesn't tell us much, except that the Burrow must be far enough away from King's Cross to make an overnight stay at the Leaky Cauldron worthwhile.

This doesn't mean that the life style of everyone in society is complete the same. 这并不意味着社会中所有的人生活方式都完全相同。
This doesn't mean that you have to agree with every design decision that's been made in the project (dissent is healthy) or that the guiding principles outlined here are written in stone. 这不意味这你不得不同意每一个设计决定,即它已经向项目中进入(不同意是健康的)或者那写入石头中的导向原理轮廓。
This doesn't mean they neglect someone who needs help researching a small issue, but, if their instinct tells them they are wasting their time, they talk to the requestor—even a superior—about what course of action would be best for the company. 这并不意味着他们无视需要在一件小事上帮忙的人,而是,如果其直觉告诉他们正在浪费时间,他们会和提要求者—即使是上级—讨论什么样的行动会对公司最有利。
This doesn't mean you WILL take damage to 5 tech levels. 这并不表示你将会有5个科技遭到破坏。
This doesn't means everybody's lifeway in social are compeletly the same. 这并不意味着社会中所有的人生活方式都完全相同。
This doesn't tell us much, except that the Burrow must be far enough away from King's Cross to make an overnight stay at the Leaky Cauldron worthwhile. 这告诉我们的不多,只有陋居一定距离国王十字车站足够远,因而值得在破釜酒吧停留一整夜。
This doest bear the slightest resemblance to anything in real life. 这和现实生活中的任何事情没有一点相似之处。
This dog has a rather large saddle on his back, but very little dark markings on his head. He is competing in (English style) obedience. 这只边境牧羊犬背部的马鞍状斑纹相当大,但它头上几乎没有黑色斑纹。它正在参加服从比赛(英式)。
This dog has been conditioned to expect food when he hears a bell. 这狗被制约,听到铃声就等候食物。
This dog on the go tried down to a runway, causing one jet to circle instead of land. 这条狗跑到飞行跑道上,使一架喷气式飞机在空中无法降落。
This dog was thrashing about in a death-struggle, directly on the trail, and Buck passed around him without stopping. 这只狗正翻来覆去做垂死挣扎,巴克没有停留,绕过他直朝前走。

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