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Clinical Effectiveness of He-Ne Laser in the Treatment of Acne Indurate Cystica

Clinical Application of Bifocal Right Ventricular Pacing 右室双部位起搏的临床应用
Clinical Application of Ultrasonography in Urachal Cyst 超声显像在脐尿管囊肿中的临床应用(附7例分析)
Clinical Application of the Ureteral Stents 输尿管支架的临床应用
Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment of Traumatic Subdural Hydroma 外伤性硬膜下积液的临床诊断与治疗
Clinical Effect of Cr~ PO_ Colloid in Treatment of Thecal Cysts ( Cases Report) Cr~ PO_胶体治疗腱鞘囊肿(附例临床报告)
Clinical Effectiveness of He-Ne Laser in the Treatment of Acne Indurate Cystica 氦氖激光照射治疗结节囊肿性痤疮的临床疗效
Clinical Inspecting of Treatment for Siogren Syndrome with Qingkai Ling Injection 清开灵注射液治疗干燥综合征临床观察
Clinical Manifestation and Presage of Presby Acute Renal Failure 老年急性肾功能衰竭的临床与预后
Clinical Observation of Cases with Herpes Zoster Treated with He-Ne Laser Therapy He-Ne激光治疗带状疱疹例临床观察
Clinical Observation of Closed Duodeno-trauma 闭合性十二指肠损伤的临床疗效观察
Clinical Observation of Pigmented Naevus Treated with CO_ Laser Therapy CO_激光治疗面部色痣的临床观察

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