Just let slip one word about an ailment or a child having a crisis, and you know your name will get added to the list of folks needing mention in prayer.
你只要在帕蒂面前顺带提及身体有点不适或者有个孩子患了重病,帕蒂肯定会在做祷告的时候为你们祈祷的。 |
Just let them go where they will.
不要终日愁眉紧锁考虑问题。 |
Just let us know when you are ready.
那么,准备好了就请通知我们。 |
Just letting you know - your site is fantastic!
只是让你知道你的网站太棒了! |
Just like Mark had told me beforehand, Shamir is a genuine lesbian.
就象马克事先对我说的那样,莎米尔是个地道的累斯嫔。 |
Just like a baby learning to walk, you need to take it step by step.
就像是小孩刚学走路一样,你必须按部就班。 |
Just like a horse freely galloping without halter, the art is the wind of the artist's spirit to excite his soul.
艺术应是无缰之马,可以自由驰骋,艺术是心灵的风,可以激荡灵魂起伏。 |
Just like a maiden standing high up on the summit, rain or shine, the peak crest has become the incarnation of diligence, kindness and faithfulness.
勤劳、善良、坚贞都集于一身,是你站在高处,经受日晒雨淋从不屈服。 |
Just like a tree, the gentle wind from the mortal world or the minimal rain from the material world will make one of its branches vibratile and confused, Whether it stands in the middle of a courtyard, or independently in the wild.
正如一棵树,红尘中极细的风,物质世界极小的雨,都会引起一树枝柯的颤动,迷乱,不论这棵树是置身在庭院,还是独立于荒野。 |
Just like a worrier who needs to be alert of the outside surroundings to protect his country; we need to reflect our own mind all the time to protect ourselves.
正如一个武士需要对外在的环境保持警觉性来保家卫国;我们必须对自己的心念时时观照来保护自己。 |
Just like above mentioned, in nature, I was not born to study, so after half year's madness, I gave up to be a graduate student, continued to be bourgeois and happy!
正如前文说到的一样,从本质上来讲我就不是一块学习的料,所以在这样发了半年疯之后,我放弃了考研的想法,继续过我那平庸的生活,并且快乐着! |