The authorities and listed companies need to make a concerted effort before this marketized mode of financing can be accepted by the Chinese investors.
要使我国的投资者接受这种市场化的融资方式还需要管理层和上市公司的共同努力。 |
The authorities are considering implementing a mandatory electronic recycling program.
当局正考虑采取强制性的电子器材回收计划。 |
The authorities are determined to clean up skid row.
主管当局已经下定了决心整顿贫民区。 |
The authorities are dragging their feet over deciding to close the factory, which has polluted the local river.
译文:当局正在拖延关闭那家已经污染了当地河流的工厂的决定。 |
The authorities believe there is a mole at the Treasury .
当局认为财政部里有内奸. |
The authorities believe there is a mole at the Treasury.
当局认为财政部里有内奸. |
The authorities did not interfere with us.
当局没有干涉我们。 |
The authorities do not consider it appropriate to incur large amounts of external debt until a number of practical bottlenecks in the economy, such as an inadequate transport network and energy constraints, have been tackled.
在经济中的许多实际瓶颈,如运输网络的不足和能源缺乏被克服以前,官方认为招来大笔外债的做法是不妥当的。 |
The authorities finally disclosed the truth to the press.
当局终于向新闻界透露了真相。 |
The authorities granted early release from prison to Tibetan nun Phuntsog Nyidrol in February and China Democracy Party (CDP) co-founder Wang Youcai in March.
政府早先准予在两月释放藏族尼姑平措尼珠和在三月释放中国民主党共同创始人王友才。 |
The authorities harassed and abused many who raised public grievances, including petitioners to the Central Government.
当局大量骚扰、滥用职权引起包括向中央政府请愿在内的公愤。 |