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Brown was impressive at the heart of United's defence in a 0-0 draw, in which he praised the makeshift Reds side Sir Alex named.

Brown told Jackson he felt he would be able to play in the Lakers' next game, Friday night at Staples Center against the Houston Rockets. 布朗告诉杰克逊他觉得能够在湖人下一场在斯台普斯中心对休斯敦火箭队的比赛中上场。
Brown took his usual backhanded jabs at his club yesterday. 布朗昨天习惯性的在背后说别人的坏话。
Brown vowed to reach out beyon d what he called narrow party interests, just hours earlier, his predecessor, Tony Blair made his last appearance in the House of Commons. 布朗宣誓他会突破被他称为狭隘的政党利益,就在几小时之前,布朗的前任,托尼.布莱尔在国会下议院最后一次露面。
Brown vowed to reach out beyond what he called narrow party interests, just hours earlier, his __11__, Tony Blair made his last appearance in the House of Commons. 布朗宣誓他会突破被他称为狭隘的政党利益,就在几小时之前,布朗的前任,托尼.布莱尔在国会下议院最后一次露面。
Brown wants to know if hemlock could kill Cleopatra in the few minutes between sending her suicide note and the guard finding her dead. 布朗想知道的是芹叶钩吻毒药能不能在卫兵送走她的遗书到发现她死亡的几分钟之内毒死克利奥帕特拉。
Brown was impressive at the heart of United's defence in a 0-0 draw, in which he praised the makeshift Reds side Sir Alex named. 布朗对守得零比零和局有很深的印象,他亦赞赏费sir点名派出的红魔后备。
Brown will hold talks with President Bush at Camp David and will deliver a speech to the United Nations. 布朗将会和布什总统在戴维营进行会谈,并会在联合国发表一篇演说。
Brown wouldn't elaborate, but he nodded his head in acknowledgment. 虽然布朗并不打算详细谈论这件事,但是他还是点头承认了。
Brown's attention was drawn to a brassy metallic rod three inches in diameter hanging down from the apex of the center of the room and at its end was attached a many-facetted red gem, which tapered to a point. 布朗的注意力被从中心的最高点顶端悬挂下来直径3英寸象黄铜的金属竿吸引住了,而它的末端被附上许多有多面体的红色珠宝。
Brown's investigation seems to undermine history's version of Cleopatra's death. 布朗的调查似乎会推翻关于克利奥帕特拉死亡的历史说法。
Brown's profile of Octavian is beginning to take shape. 布朗对屋大维的性格剖析慢慢成形。

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