Only practise teaches you how to get about with any degree of accuracy and grace.
只有通过练习,你才能学会如何准确而优雅地移动。 |
Only prevention can avoid the loss.
只有预防才能避免损失。 |
Only problem is your pet runs out of focus real quick ;p Time to write a mod that only recasts it every 7 seconds !
唯一的问题是你的宠物的集中将很快消耗完。是时候写个让它每7秒释放技能的改变了。 |
Only properly trained people should repair wiring or machinery.
只有经过相关培训的人才可以修理配线及机械。 |
Only pure people could enter the dreamland worlds of riot of color, powerful and unconstrained style like that, they are angels living in fond dream and imagination, the world here is always so novel, (and)interesting.
只有纯洁的人们才能进入那样五彩斑斓、天马行空的梦境世界,他们就是生活在美梦与想象中的天使,这里的世界总是那么新奇、有趣。 |
Only qualified personnel are authorized to by-pass this locking system for flow rate checks.
只有合格人员才被允许绕过制动系统进行流量率检查? |
Only quantum mechanics can provide the answer: the particle's position will have an uncertainty that follows the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, such that it might not really reach the singularity and thus escape the possible collapse to infinite densit
只有量子力学可以提供答案:粒子的位置将具有不确定性,它们遵守海森堡测不准原理,因而它可能不是真的达到奇异而因此逃逸了可能的坍塌达到无限密度。 |
Only rare birds and animals inhabit this remote island.
这个偏远的岛屿上只有一些珍禽异兽。 |
Only rarely do I eat in restaurants.
我极少到饭馆吃饭. |
Only rarely does he let his own views become public.
他只是偶尔一次公开自己的观点。 |
Only rarely, as on February 27th, does the curve “invert” so that short-term implied volatility is higher than long-term.
仅在很少情况下,如2月27日,市场曲线发生倒转因此短期隐含波动高于长期隐含波动。 |