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How are Senators and Representatives elected?

How annoying! I locked my keys in the office! 多讨厌啊!我把钥匙锁在办公室里了。
How annoying, I've left my wallet at home! 多讨厌,我把钱包落在家里了。
How anthropocentric of us. 我们多么人类中心主义呀!
How any human being whose wonderful fortune it is to live in the 20th century should under ordinarily fair advantages despair of life is almost unbelievable. 任何人,拥有生活于二十世纪的好运气,但竟然在通常看来颇为有利的条件下,对生活失去信心,这几乎是令人难以置信的。
How are Inoculants controlled? 如何控制孕育剂?
How are Senators and Representatives elected? 问:参议员和众议员如何选出?
How are beta testers chosen? 你们怎样挑选测试者?
How are busine es within the euro zone affected by the euro? 欧元将如何影响欧元区内的商业运作?
How are businesses within the euro zone affected by the euro? 欧元将如何影响欧元区内的商业运作?
How are diastolic dysfunction or diastolic heart failure diagnosed in hypertension? 高血压患者如何诊断舒张功能不全或舒张性心力衰竭?
How are employees disciplined for misconduct or poor performance? 如果工人有不端行为或恶劣的表现会受到什麽处分?

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