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Protein Expression of Human TCP11a and ZNF313 Genes in E. Coli and Immunohistochemical Studies on the Expression in Mouse and Human Testicular Tissues

Protective effect of ischemic preconditioning on residual liver after partial hepatectomy in rats and its mechanism 缺血预处理对大鼠肝脏部分切除术后残留肝脏的保护作用及其机制的研究
Protective effect of protein kinase C and mitogen-activated protein kinases and its mechanism in liver ischemic preconditioning 蛋白激酶C和丝裂原活化的蛋白酶家族对缺血预处理肝脏的保护作用及其机制
Protective effect of selenium on liver function of rats with obstructive janndice 硒对梗阻性黄疸大鼠肝脏的保护作用
Protective effects of Flammulina velutipes polysaccharides containing germanium on mice liver 富锗金针菇多糖对小鼠肝脏的保护作用
Protein Crystal Growth and Nucleation Observed by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) 用原子力显微镜(AFM)进行蛋白质晶体生长及成核研究
Protein Expression of Human TCP11a and ZNF313 Genes in E. Coli and Immunohistochemical Studies on the Expression in Mouse and Human Testicular Tissues 人TCP11a、ZNF313基因在大肠杆菌中的蛋白表达及其在小鼠和人睾丸中的免疫组织化学分析
Protein Functional Research of the Virulent-associated Gene ompL17 in L. Interrogans Serovar Lai Strain 017 赖型钩端螺旋体毒力相关基因ompl17的蛋白质功能学研究
Protein Glycosylation Engineering 蛋白质糖基化工程
Protein Kinase and Cell Differentiation Inhibition of Tyrosine Protein Kinase by Two Inducers of Differentiaation 蛋白激酶与细胞分化—两种分化诱导剂对酪氨酸蛋白激酶的抑制
Protein Structure Classification Algorithms Based on Sequence Similarity 生物大分子序列比对和蛋白质结构分类算法
Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase PRL-3 and Metastasis of Colorectal Cancer 蛋白质酪氨酸磷酸酶PRL-3与结肠癌的转移

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