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When she sews she makes long stitches.

When she saw Peter warming himself, she looked closely at him. You also were with that Nazarene, Jesus,she said. 67见彼得烤火,就看着他说,你素来也是同拿撒勒人耶稣一伙的。
When she saw a car rushing toward her, her face turned blue with fear. 当她看到一部车冲过来时,她吓得脸色发青。
When she saw me she burst into tears. 她一看见我就放声大哭。
When she saw the way he behaved , she flat-out and refused to date him again. 当她看到他的所做所为,她断然地不再与他约会。
When she sews she makes long stitches . 她做针线活时针脚很大。
When she sews she makes long stitches. 她做针线活时针脚很大。
When she tells people she's just finished a mobile home, they don't believe it. 当她告诉别人她刚装修完的是一座拖车移动房屋时,没有人相信这是真的。
When she tried to become an engineer, she came up against a lot of male chauvinism. 当她试图成为工程师时,她面对许多男性沙文主义。
When she turn around and walk away with big steps, I've known that I can never have her back in my arms. 当她转过身大步离去,我知道自己再也无法将她唤回。
When she vanished two months later into the Tokyo night, the subject of speculation, rumor and salacious gossip, she became the poster child, literally, of a nation that was suddenly unsure of where it was going and of what was happening to it. 当两个月后她消失在东京的夜幕中时,作为猜疑、谣言和下流流言的对象,她成了一个突然之间不能确定自己将向何处去,将面临何种情况的国家的海报女郎。
When she wakes up, she becomes lovesick and pines for her love. 当她醒来后,心害相思,日渐憔悴。

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