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Poetry helps to interpret life.

Poetic writings about the plant date back as far as the third century. 与竹有关的诗词歌赋可以追溯到咱们中国公元3世纪。
Poetical works; poetry. 诗歌作品;诗歌
Poetry always loses (something) in translation. 诗歌一经翻译总有所失.
Poetry and Ci developed at the same pace, with the Ci of replying rhyming influenced by the poetry of replying rhyming. 张先首起尝试,苏门大开风气,苏辛派积极效仿,周姜派较少采用,最后趋于触合,这是宋词次韵现象演变的脉络。
Poetry creation,poet of Haizi, one lick blood but course of song, it is can brilliant because of burning of the blood and fat to be, change sentence is it say poem of Haizi to spend precise condensed blood of life to come, it is the brilliant work of poet 诗人海子的诗歌创作,是一个舐血而歌的过程,是因为血和脂的燃烧而得以辉煌,换句话来说,海子的诗歌是用生命的精血凝练而成的,是用挥霍生命的代价铸就成的诗坛华章,因此只有深刻了解诗人的人生经历、生存状态、心路历程、情感动荡、诗作指向、终极价值[1],才能深刻了解海子以及海子的诗歌,才能直逼本论文意旨所向的诗歌之道。
Poetry helps to interpret life. 诗有助于阐释人生的意义。
Poetry is a deal of joy and pain and wonder, with a dash of the dictionary. 诗是欢乐、痛苦和惊奇穿插着词汇的一场交道。
Poetry is a deal of joy and pain and wonder,with a dash of the dictionary. 诗是大量的欢乐、痛苦和奇迹,再加上少许文辞。
Poetry is about deft use of words. 作诗就要驾驭文字。
Poetry is an echo, asking a shadow to dance. 诗歌是一种回响,它能让影子翩翩起舞.
Poetry is from life, not from technique. 诗是生活,不是技巧.

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