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Montessori schools work to develop culturally literate children and nurture their fragile sparks of curiosity, creativity, and intelligence.

Montero is in love with Don Diego's wife, who is accidentally killed. 蒙特罗也爱着迭戈的妻子,但他的手下失手杀死了她。
Montesqieu discussed and analyzed China's benevolent rule in On the Spirit of Law, but there were many improper or even self-contradictory points in the book. 摘要孟德斯鸠在《论法的精神》中对中国的德政作了论述和分析,其中多有不当甚至自相矛盾的地方。
Montesquieu described 18th-century Britain as a republic in the guise of a monarchy, because the elite was happy to swap one royal family for another whenever it suited them (as in 1688 and 1714). 孟德斯鸠将18世纪的英国描述成君主制度虚饰下的共和政体,因为政治精英们乐于更换王室以满足自身利益(如1688年和1714年)。
Montessori Bilingual Class : They combine the Montessori teaching methods which are popular around the world (education of daily lives, instruction education, language education and science and humanity education) with English teaching, and, by making use 蒙特梭利双语班:采用风靡全球的蒙特梭利教学法(日常生活教育、感官教育、数学教育、语文教育、科学人文教育)与英文教学相结合,运用先进的教材和丰富的教具让孩子在反复的操作练习中锻炼自己,培养完善的人格,萌发尊严与自信心。
Montessori International Bilingual Class : This class adopts “Montessori” teaching methods and English textbooks of Hong Kong editions and foreign teachers and teachers of our Kindergarten attend to the daily lives of the small children and conduct educat 蒙特梭利双语班:采用风靡全球的蒙特梭利教学法(日常生活教育、感官教育、数学教育、语文教育、科学人文教育)与英文教学相结合,运用先进的教材和丰富的教具让孩子在反复的操作练习中锻炼自己,培养完善的人格,萌发尊严与自信心。
Montessori schools work to develop culturally literate children and nurture their fragile sparks of curiosity, creativity, and intelligence. 蒙特梭利学校致力于培养精通各国文化的孩子们并激发他们的好奇心、创造力和智力。
Montessori teaching equipment is one of the tools of an Montessori education, they are not the entirety of Montessori education methods and tools. 蒙特梭利教具是蒙特梭利方法的一种工具,而不是蒙特梭利方法本身。
Montgomery Wick: My wife died of edema. 蒙哥马利:我妻子死于水肿。
Montgomery Wick: My wife died of edema. Stripped the skin from her throat, her lungs filled with water. She drowned in her own bodily fluids. Yeah, I'm gonna kill him. 蒙哥马利:我妻子死于水肿。剥脱她咽喉处的皮肤,她的肺里充满积水。她被她自己的体液溺死了。是的,我要杀了他。
Montgomery has been read and loved by a wide range of readers all over the world. 自出版至今,小说一直深受不同年代、不同国别、不同阶层和年龄的读者的喜爱,已成为举世公认的文学经典作品之一。
Montgomery urged his troops to knock Rommel for six out of Africa. 蒙哥马利激励他的部队重创隆美尔,把他赶出非洲。

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