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I almost fell out of my chair when he showed me his report card.

I allowed myself, as I sometimes do, to wander out of myself. 我听任自己忘我神游,有时我就是如此。
I almost could just sneak out before you open your eyes, but your eye lid trembles the spring wind. 我在你睁开眼的刹那间差点溜走,可是你的眼皮煽动了春风。
I almost did myself a mischief when I tried to jump across a stream. 我在试图跳过溪水时差一点受了伤。
I almost dissolved on the spot. 那一刻,我简直就要被熔化了。
I almost fell off my bike. 我几乎从自行车上摔下来.
I almost fell out of my chair when he showed me his report card. 当他拿成绩单给我看的时候,我差点儿从椅子上掉下来.
I almost forgot to have the phone disconnected . 我几乎忘记把我的电话停用了。
I almost forgot to have the phone disconnected. 我几乎忘记把我的电话停用了。
I almost forgot to have the phone disconnected. 我差点忘记去切断电话了.
I almost got hit by a car. Knock on wood. 我差点被车子给撞到,神明保佑。
I almost know your chinese well. So you can write chinene which you can as far as possible to improve your chinese level. 我知道你的中文很棒,请尽可能的用中文写信给我以提高你的中文水平。

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