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The Prime Minister came to visit our country in the company of his assistant.

The Prime Meridian, which runs through Greenwich in south-east London, became the basis for the world's time keeping in 1884 after the first Astronomer Royal, John Flamstead, calculated that the Earth rotated on its axis once every 24 hours. 1884年,首位皇家天文学家约翰法兰姆斯坦算出地球每隔24小时绕轴自转1次,使得通过伦敦东南格林威治的本初子午线成为全球计时基准。
The Prime Minister admitted, (strictly) off the record, that the talks had failed. 首相承认会谈失败, 此消息(绝)不可发表.
The Prime Minister announced that she would resign. 首相宣布她将辞职.
The Prime Minister appointed some new ministers to ginger up her administration. 首相任命一些新大臣以增强她现届政府的活力。
The Prime Minister assumed office on May 29. 首相于五月二十九日任职。
The Prime Minister came to visit our country in the company of his assistant. 首相在其助手陪同下访问我国。
The Prime Minister can dissolve the Folketing at any time and call for new elections. 首相可以随时解散议会,召集新的选举。
The Prime Minister consulted with his Cabinet on a variety of matters. 首相就许多问题与其内阁成员进行了协商。
The Prime Minister delivered a broadside at her critics. 首相对批评她的人进行了猛烈抨击.
The Prime Minister had hoped beyond hope that dragons and sphinxes would be the worst of it, but no. 首相无比地期望龙和斯芬克斯是最糟糕的事情,但他们不是。
The Prime Minister has announced his new cabinet. 首相已经宣布他的新内阁。

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