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In theory, flows of foreign money into China should push up the yuan, but China has resisted this, forcing the central bank to buy up the surplus foreign currency.

In theory, either of them could make a maiden Grand Prix appearance this season, and were they to impress sufficiently, De la Rosa could yet find himself rele gated back to testing duties. 理论上,他们两人之中任何一个都可以在本赛季首次出战分站赛,如果他们能给车队留下足够深刻的印象,德-拉-罗萨就有可能重拾测试车手一职。
In theory, every people will have access to education. 从理论上讲,每个人都可以受到教育。
In theory, every person will have access to education. 从理论上讲,每个人都可以受到教育。
In theory, everyone has access to education. 从理论上讲,每个人都可以受到教育.
In theory, everyone have access to education. 2从理论上讲,每个人都可以接受教育。
In theory, flows of foreign money into China should push up the yuan, but China has resisted this, forcing the central bank to buy up the surplus foreign currency. 理论上,外资流入中国将抬高人民币,但中国拒绝人民币升值,迫使央行花光外汇盈余。
In theory, genetic engineering could quell parasite multiplication before the protozoa ever left the insects' salivary glands. 理论上,基因改造可以在这些寄生的原生动物离开蚊子的唾腺之前,就抑制其复制。
In theory, investors ought to be wise to this. 从理论上说,投资者应该理智面对这一情况。
In theory, it could cut off financing, the only way it could actually interfere with the commander in chief's plans. 理论上说,它可能削减财源,唯一的方法能做的是尽可能扩大预知的消费计划。
In theory, it`s something about freedom. 从理论上说,这是自由。
In theory, offsetting should reduce the cost of combating global warming, by giving those for whom it is cheapest and easiest to cut emissions most incentive to do so. 理论上,补偿应能减少抗击全球暖化的成本,因为它最能激励那些认为削减排放量耗资最少且难度最小的人这么做。

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