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Carl: but I don't want to put it off too long.

Carl: One of my friends gave me his grandfather's stamp album after he died. Said he had no interest in stamps himself. It was in there. 卡尔:我一个朋友的祖父去世,把祖父的集邮簿送了给我,说自己对集邮没有兴趣。那枚邮票就在集邮簿里。
Carl: Well, I got in a little trouble when I came to work this morning. Maybe someone else said something. 卡尔:唉,今天早上我一来上班,就遇上一点小麻烦。或许,有其他的人说了些什么了。
Carl: Well, can't you ring the fi... the fire department for me? 卡尔:这样好了,能不能请您帮我打电话给消……消防队?
Carl: What about you? Don't you need one? 卡尔:妳呢?妳不用买吗?
Carl: You're fooling me. 你想骗我。
Carl: but I don't want to put it off too long. 但我希望不要拖得太久。
Carl:Don't they realize it is all makeup? 卡尔:难道他们不明白那全是化妆的效果吗?
Carl:Four thirty-story apartment blocks and a shopping mall. 卡尔:四幢三十层的公寓大楼,以及一个购物中心。
Carl:My father is celebrating today. 卡尔:家父今天大肆庆祝。
Carl:Yes, I'm very sorry. 卡尔:是的,我很抱歉。
Carl:lunchtime!let's garb a bite to eat. 该吃午饭了!咱们找点东西吃吧.

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