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How do people make a living in the steppe?

How do people celebrate Dragon Boat Festival? 人们是如何庆祝端午节的?
How do people degcdbe the picturesque scenery in Guilin? 人们是怎样描绘桂林绮丽的风景的?
How do people feel about the long-term future? 人们怎麽看待未来?
How do people get ahead in the workplace? One way seems to be by making their subordinates miserable, according to a study released on Friday. 怎样才能获得升职机会?据上周五公布的一项研究,其中一个途径就是“压迫”下属。
How do people in general look on her? 人们一般对她怎麽看?
How do people make a living in the steppe? 生活在没有树木的大草原上的人们怎样谋生呢?
How do race, class, sexuality, and other markers affect images of the mother? 种族、阶级、性别及其他标签如何影响一个母亲的形象?
How do religious guilds work? 宗教工会是怎样的工会?
How do retailers record sales made with the use of MasterCard or VISA? 零售商们是怎样用万事达信用卡或VISA卡记录销售额的呢?
How do scientists know the composition of Earth's interior? 科学家怎麽知道地球内部的组成?
How do scientists perceive their role in the policy process? 科学家怎样认识他们在政策过程中的角色?

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