Bad luck for Harry, who will be sleeping out on the front porch for the next few hours!
哈利的运气可够糟的,因为他要在门外睡好几个小时呢! |
Bad luck goes against the grain.
厄运总是令人讨厌的。 |
Bad luck often brings goog luck.
塞翁失马,焉知非福。 |
Bad luck pursued us all through the year.
一年来我们厄运连续不断。 |
Bad man, the accidental, noble outlaw.
有坏人啦,出人意料的逃。 |
Bad managers are a dime a done but a good one is diffcult to find!
坏的老板简直多如牛毛,碰见一个好的真难! |
Bad managers are a dime a dozen but a good one is difficult to find.
坏的老板简直是多如牛毛,碰见一个好的真难。 |
Bad manners or inappropriate behavior. The term has some use in the United States.
指“不礼貌的举止,恶劣的行为”。在美国也能听到这种说法。 |
Bad master!why shock me with that flash?
无良主人!干嘛拿闪光灯闪我? |
Bad news for Hughes: The Yankees announced Wednesday that right-hander Phil Hughes has suffered a Grade 3 sprain of his left ankle, which is expected to cost the hurler an additional four to six weeks in his efforts to rejoin the Major League club.
休斯的坏消息:洋基星期三宣布右投手休斯右遭遇到了左脚踝三级扭伤,预期将会让他多花四到六周才能重回大联盟。 |
Bad news for residents in the Midwest trying to cope with flooding.
对于正在与洪水搏斗的中西部地区居民来说,这真是个坏消息。 |