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When the transfer market opens, I cannot exclude any eventuality.

When the topic of being able to work with Yao Ming, Jay showed his joy in a typical basketball-fan manner, saying, “I think if I really see him, I'll be so nervous I cannot speak properly, just like that time I met Jet Li. 说起将有机会与姚明合作,周杰伦表现出球迷的兴奋,连说:“如果真见到他估计我会紧张得说不出话,就像见到李连杰一样。”
When the torpedo struck the ship, it immediatelu blew up. 当鱼雷击中船只时,船立刻便爆炸了。
When the total cycle pump gear shift operation, the flow of the slip road ratio unchanged. 当总循环泵变速运行时,各个支路的流量分配比例保持不变。
When the total number of runnable threads associated with the completion port reaches the concurrency value, the system blocks the execution of any subsequent threads that specify the completion port until the number of runnable threads associated with th 当与该完成端口相关联的可运行线程的总数目达到了该并发量,系统就会阻塞任何与该完成端口相关联的后续线程的执行,直到与该完成端口相关联的可运行线程数目下降到小于该并发量为止。
When the traffic lights turn green you can go. 交通讯号灯变成绿色的就可以通行。
When the transfer market opens, I cannot exclude any eventuality. 但是当转会市场的大门开启后,我不能排除一切的可能。
When the transport lands in enemy territory, it swoops down under heavy fire. 当飞行器在敌方土地降落,它需要在猛烈的攻击中快速下降。
When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter. 树倒猢狲散。
When the trolley came it was full. 来了一辆无轨电车,里面挤满了人。
When the tube was broken, air rushed in, causing the phosphorus to self-combust. 当管体破裂,空气涌进,导致磷的自燃。
When the tubes come to the end of their lives, circuits could catch fire and increase air pressure inside the tubes, causing covers to fall off, Toshiba Lighting said. 东芝照明技术株式会社解释说,这些问题荧光灯使用过久后,电路可能会造成着火现象,从而升高灯管内部气压,最终造成灯盖掉落。

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