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Authorities are investigating why the car was going the wrong way.

Authoritarian polity has terminated in Indonesia, however, real democracy has not been established yet, and the democratic conditions are still not mature, Indonesia is on the process of transformation. 摘要在印尼,权威政治体系终结了,但是,真正民主的政治体系尚未建立起来,推行民主的各种条件也还不成熟,目前的印尼正处于一个过渡时期。
Authoritative lecturers, all the lecturers for these courses have the abundant training experience. 讲师权威,金陀螺课程的讲师团队都具有丰富的培训经验和职场工作经验。
Authorities also found nine cell phone chips and one charger. 此外,监狱官员还发现了9块手机芯片和一个充电器。
Authorities are advising people in southern Japan to stay away from the seacoast. 日本当局提醒南部的居民要远离海岸线。
Authorities are continuing emergency rescue efforts after Hurricane Katrina slammed the Gulf Coast of the United States. 卡特里娜飓风横扫美国墨西哥湾沿岸地区以后,有关当局继续努力进行紧急救援。
Authorities are investigating why the car was going the wrong way. 目前当局正在调查轿车驶入逆行车道的原因。
Authorities are looking at pilot error and bad weather as possible causes of Saturday's plane crash in Samara, which killed seven people. 上星期六萨马拉发生空难,造成7人丧生。俄罗斯有关当局正在调查,看事故起因是飞行员的过失还是由恶劣的天气。
Authorities are looking for a motive. 官方正在搜寻作案动机。
Authorities are on the hunt for Steve Fossett who has been missing since taking off from Nevada yesterday. 当局正在展开对昨天从乘坐热气球从内华达起飞后便失踪的史蒂夫·福赛特的搜寻工作。
Authorities are reporting at least 30 arrests. 当局表示,至少有30人被捕。
Authorities are reviewing surveillance video for clues. 警察正在回顾看录象来寻找线索。

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