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Objective To examine the expression of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) and Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) in astrocytoma, and to investigate the effects of NGF and BDNF on pathologic grading, region and tumorigenesis of astrocytoma.
目的研究NGF(NeverGrowth Factor,神经生长因子)、BDNF(BrainDerivedNeurotrophicFactor,脑源性神经营养因子)在脑胶质瘤内的表达,探讨它们与肿瘤病理分级、实体肿瘤部位的关系,以及它们在肿瘤发生过程中的作用。

Liver yang deficiency and liver qi deficiency maybe exist theoretically in author s opinion according to the ancient medical literatures and clinical symptoms and sings. 目前中医大专院校教材及一般理论书籍认为肝病无虚证,即无肝阳虚与肝气虚。
Objective To optimize the extraction procedure of essential oils from Herba Pogostemonis,Fructus Forsythiae,Radix curcumae and Rhizoma Acori Tatarinowii,four main components of Kangbingdu oral solution. 目的优选抗病毒口服液中广藿香、连翘、郁金、石菖蒲等4味药材挥发油最佳提取工艺。
Objective To investigate the relationship between Qi-deficiency syndrome of traditional Chinese medicine and pathological type, differentiation grade, TNM stage and their significance in prognosis of esophageal cancer. 目的研究中医气虚证与食管癌的病理学类型、分化程度、TNM分期等的关系及在食管癌预后评价中的意义。
Objective To study the clinical manifestations of spleen-QI deficiency in workers with sub-health status. 目的研究亚健康状态常见中医证候脾气虚证的证候特征。
Objective To research the effect of low pressure flush transurethral electrovaporization of the prostate for the treatment of BPH. 目的研究低压冲洗下经尿道电汽化术对良性前列腺增生症的治疗效果。
Objective To examine the expression of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) and Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) in astrocytoma, and to investigate the effects of NGF and BDNF on pathologic grading, region and tumorigenesis of astrocytoma. 目的研究NGF(NeverGrowth Factor,神经生长因子)、BDNF(BrainDerivedNeurotrophicFactor,脑源性神经营养因子)在脑胶质瘤内的表达,探讨它们与肿瘤病理分级、实体肿瘤部位的关系,以及它们在肿瘤发生过程中的作用。
We enrolled retrospective data to determine the efficacy of combined chemotherapy and surgery for local tumour control and survival in patients with high-risk soft-tissue sarcomas. 目的为了确定高风险性软组织肉瘤患者联合化疗和手术治疗对于局部肿瘤的控制和患者存活的效果,进行了回顾性调查。
Objective To explore the relationship of renal dysfunction and bone mineral density(BMD) in general population exposed to cadmium(Cd)after Cd pollution decades. 目的通过检测脱离环境镉接触人群的尿镉及骨密度,探讨镉致肾损伤的远期效应与骨密度的关系。
The Experimental Study of Cortical Xenograft Combined with rhBMP-2/bFGF on Repairing Large Bone Defects; 目的通过对复合rhBMP-2/bFGF大段异种皮质骨成骨作用观察,探讨皮质骨修复大段骨缺损的可行性及愈合机制。
Objective To explore the effect of Nourishing Yin antitoxic capsule(YC),a preparation of traditional Chinese medicine,on the immunological function in Yin deficiency syndrome. 目的探讨养阴抗毒胶囊(YC)对阴虚证免疫功能的影响。
Methods In a retrospective study,sibling oocytes were inseminated either by ICSI or conventional IVF. 目的探讨同胞卵行常规体外受精-胚胎移植(IVF)和胞质内单精子注射(ICSI)对受精、受精后胚胎的影响并寻求ICSI指征。

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