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The alteration of hemodynamic factors that arise from contraction of the myocardial bridge greatly affects the evolution of atherosclerosis through the regulation of intimal lipid infiltration within the artery.

The already ailing economy was precipitated into ruin despite foreign aid/intervention. 尽管有国外的协助,但这个国家千疮百孔的经济仍陷入崩溃状态。
The altar had been defiled by vandals. 圣坛遭到破坏公物的人故意损坏.
The altar hearth is four cubits high, and four horns project upward from the hearth. 15坛上的供台,高四肘。供台的四拐角上都有角。
The altar hearth is square, twelve cubits long and twelve cubits wide. 16供台长十二肘,宽十二肘,四面见方。
The altar, as in prehistory, is anywhere you kneel. 如同在史前,你膜拜的地方就是祭堂。
The alteration of hemodynamic factors that arise from contraction of the myocardial bridge greatly affects the evolution of atherosclerosis through the regulation of intimal lipid infiltration within the artery. 因此处血管收缩导致的血行动力改变,大幅地影响粥状硬化的形成及内膜脂质浸润的调控。
The alteration of industrial structure is an important factor that affects economic development. 摘要产业结构变动是影响经济发展的重要因素。
The altered rocks had a similar development with the hydrothermal ore deposits in the area of three paralleled rivers. 蒙脱石化蚀变岩的发育分布与三江地区热液矿床的分布具有相似的规律。
The alternating argon arc welding torch is applicable to aluminum, magnesium and their alloy; the welding torch is applicable to stainless steel copper, titanium, carbon steel etc. 交流氩弧焊适用于铝、镁及其铝合金,直流氩弧焊适用于不锈钢、铜、钛、碳钢等。
The alternating current supply to UPS for the main telephony equipment will be connected to an essential supply bus so that power can be provided by generators, when necessary. 主电话设备所用的UPS交流电源将接到基本电源总线,以便需要时由发电机供电。
The alternation are death and submission. 或死或降,任选其一。

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