The Rotary International programs were wonderfully constructed and instructive but it was the comradeship, the fellowship and the goodwill that shone from each face, each spirit.
国际扶轮计画精采地被建构并增广知识,然而它是从每张脸、每位心灵放射出来同僚情谊,联谊和亲善的光辉。 |
The Rotary Volunteers program through Rotary International provides two resources to support Rotarian volunteers.
扶轮义工计划透过国际扶轮提供两种资源来支援扶轮社员义工们。 |
The Rotary Youth Transition Seminar, sponsored by Rotary and Rotaract clubs in District 9640, Queensland, Australia, is a six-day camp held each December in a venue isolated from TV and other distractions of modern society.
由澳洲昆士兰9640地区的扶轮社及扶轮青年进入社会研讨会是一项6天的训练营,每年12月在一处没有电视及现代社会其他令人分心的玩意的场地举行。 |
The Rotary Zone Institute is an annual informational meeting of all past, current and incoming Rotary International officers in RI Zones.
扶轮地域研习会是一年一度的资讯会议,针对过去的,现今的以及未来国际扶轮职员在国际扶轮地带所举办的会议。 |
The Rotary capstone ends up being one of the most demanding classes you have taken - not so much for the requirements themselves, but for the fact that you have to do real teamwork with one of your fellow scholars.
你们所修课程中最费神的课程之一的扶轮最高课程结束-不仅是它自己的要求很多,而且事实上你们必须和你的奖学生中的一位同学确实地做好团队合作。 |
The Rottweiler is a medium to large size, stalwart dog, neither heavy nor light and neither leggy nor weedy.
罗威那犬体型中等偏大,身体健壮,意志坚定,体重不宜过重或过轻,腿不宜过长,腿毛不宜浓密。 |
The Rovuma Basin includes both land and sea areas and stretches from the border with Tanzania, to the North, to the port city of Nacala, to the South.
鲁伍马盆地包括陆地和海上部分,北接坦桑尼亚,从北向南一直延伸到港口城市纳卡拉。 |
The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters: H.C.Andersens Boulevard 35,1553, Copenhagen V; tel. 33-11-32-40; f.1742; Pres.- Henning Sorensen.
丹麦皇家科学、文学院:哥本哈根;1742年成立;院长-亨宁·索伦森。 |
The Royal Danish Society for National History: Rigsdagasarden 9, 1218, Copenhagen K; tel. 31-57-74-67; f. 1745; Pres.- Vagn Skovgaard-Petersen.
丹麦皇家民族史学会:哥本哈根;1745年成立;会长-瓦格·斯科弗加德-佩泰尔森。 |
The Royal Experimental Society has selected volunteers Tom and Jerry to blast off to the moon in a rather small rocket.
汤姆与杰利被选中月球之旅,但是火箭发射失败掉落至海底。他们与海底世界的生物以及美人鱼渡过了美好的盛宴。 |
The Royal Hill of Ambohimanga consists of a royal city and burial site, and an ensemble of sacred places.
安布希曼加的皇家蓝山行宫由皇城、皇家墓地和一组祭祀建筑群组成。 |