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The yard is a mess, to say nothing of the house.

The yacht was sailing lightly in the breezze. 游艇在微风中轻快地航行。
The yacht was scudding along before the wind. 那只帆船正乘风笔直疾驶.
The yacht wasn't under sail because the wind wasn't strong enough. 风不够大, 赛艇未能扬起风帆.
The yacht? market is slow this time of the year. 一年中的这个时候,游艇市场很低靡。
The yachts are scrubbed, the red carpet is unraveled and giant movie posters vie for attention on the seafront . Let Cannes, the worlds greatest film festival, begin. 游艇擦洗一新,红地毯铺开迎八方来客,海边公路上的巨幅电影海报争相辉映。世界上最隆重的电影节在戛纳拉开帷幕。
The yard is a mess, to say nothing of the house. 院子里已经是一团糟,更不用说房子了
The yard of mortal care office in a hospital. 在一所医院临终关怀科的院子里。
The yardstick for pornography is vital to successful love poetry. 情色抒写尺度的把握是爱情诗成功的重要方面。
The yarn NFDY 30/36 FD and the grey fabric have hastened maturely. At present has produced grey fabric 353T*64woven fabric for garment use. Also accept order RIP-STOP and TWILL. 36纱与胚布已趋成熟,目前已生产胚布353T*64平纹布,供成衣使用,另可接受格子布、斜纹布等订单。
The yarn is extremely du-rable and highly resistant to abrasion,ozone and biological attack. 毛条的毛线是非常紧密而且有足够的高度抵抗因摩擦而产生的臭气和细菌的繁殖。
The year 1866 was marked by a bizarre development, an unexplained and downright inexplicable phenomenon that surely no one has forgotten. 人们一定还记得1866年海上发生的一件离奇的、神秘的、无法解释的怪事。

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