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The atttide of the supporters towards myself has been good and I thrive on it.

The appreciation must come from yourselves. 欣赏必须发自你自己。
The architect must embody some higher principles than those defined by society at large. 建筑师必须实践比社会大众要求更高的原则〉。
The arrogant one will stumble and fall With no one to raise him up; And I will set fire to his cities And it will devour all his environs. 耶50:32狂傲的必绊跌仆倒、无人扶起.我也必使火在他的城邑中烬起来、将他四围所有的尽行烧灭。
The arrow cannot make him flee; Slingstones are turned into stubble for him. 伯41:28箭不能恐吓他使他逃避、弹石在他看为碎秸。
The artist spent years on his monumental painting, which covered all the walls of the exhibition hall. 那位艺术家耗时数年画成的巨幅绘画盖满了展览大厅的四周墙壁。
The atttide of the supporters towards myself has been good and I thrive on it. “球迷们对我的态度已经很好了,我斗志昂扬。”
The authorities may fear the high inflation, driven mainly by rising food prices, may lead to more general price spikes and spill over to other sectors,he told China Daily. 他在接受《中国日报》采访时说:“政府可能担心主要由食品价格上涨引发的通胀会导致总体物价上涨,以及对其它领域造成影响。”
The award ceremony was a hit, attracting an overflow crowd. 颁奖典礼相当成功,吸引了大批群众。
The baiji is a beautiful mammal, on top of the food chain, close to human beings. “白暨豚是一种美丽的哺乳动物,在食物链中的位置处于上端,仅次于人类。
The bamboo had a different purpose t han the fern. 竹子和羊齿各有不同的作用。
The band! the speckled band!whispered Holmes. “带子!斑点带子!”福尔摩斯低声说。

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