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As the word and letters are entered, they are displayed in the CRT screen and stored in main memory of the personal computer.

As the wine sits in the glass, aromas of cedar, licorice, blackberries, and currants emerge. 雪松、甘草、黑莓及黑醋栗的芬芳徐徐绽放。
As the winner, Hannah will serve a yearlong term as the official mascot of both the Relays and Drake University. 作为冠军得主,汉纳将成为德雷克大学和该校今年的田径运动会的官方吉祥物。
As the winter is approaching, will China increase its supply of oil to the DPRK? 冬天来临之际,中方是否会增加对朝供油?
As the wobble is lessened, water shall redistribute and become more and more even planet-wide over the coming 18-year period. 当摆动减少时,水域将重新分配,在未来的18年期间逐渐均衡。
As the woman said, we are not amused. 正如这位妇女所说,我们对这很冷淡。
As the word and letters are entered, they are displayed in the CRT screen and stored in main memory of the personal computer. 当字母和单词被输入以后,它们显示在阴极射线管屏幕上,并且存储在计算机在主存中。
As the words come, they somehow know from the beginning what forms will serve their mood and logic—how long the poem will be, what line length is called for, whether rhyme and stanza are needed to enforce [End Page 41] the tone and structure. 这些词句出现的时候,多少知道什么形式适合它们的语气和逻辑——诗该有多长,需要什么长度的诗行,是否需要押韵和分节来加强语气和结构。
As the work table revolves , the top and sides of components are exposed to the blast stream from every angle, ensuring maximum cleaning efficiency. 转台转动时,顶部和侧面暴露在抛丸覆盖范围内,从而保证最佳的清理效果。
As the workers went on strike, the company was obliged to suspend its operations. 由于工人罢工,该公司被迫暂停营运。
As the world becomes increasingly interdependent and fragile, the future at once holds great peril and great promise. 由于世界变得日益相互依赖和脆弱,所以未来既有巨大的风险又充满了希望。
As the world gets smaller, English serves as the common denominator for communication. 随著世界变小,英语成为人们沟通的桥梁。

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