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And then Ben Price acted rather strangely.

And their sorrowful faces overcast the happy home and also remind me of my left time ever and again. 而他们担忧的表情也给这个曾经幸福的家带来了一层愁云,同时也时时警示着我自己所剩无多的日子。)
And their stepmother had died. 继母这时也已经去世了。
And their vigilance is protecting America. 他们正保持高度警惕,全力保卫美国。
And their wealth will become plunder, And their houses, a desolation. 13他们的财宝必成为掠物,他们的房屋必变为荒场。
And their win was the product of a tactical superiority as well as their greater fluency in possession. 他们的胜利是先人一筹的战术和更加流畅的控球结合的产物。
And then Ben Price acted rather strangely. 而本·普莱斯的行为也怪怪的。
And then Della leaped up like a little singed cat and cried , “ Oh , oh ! 接着,德拉像一只被烫的小猫跳了起来,喊道:“噢,噢!”
And then Della leaped up like a little singed cat and cried,’ Oh, oh! 于是她像一只被火烫了一下的小猫儿,跳着、叫着:“哎哟,哎哟!”
And then I froze, for all at once it hit me, again with overwhelming force, that all the other such scribbles in the world, scribbles and hieroglyphics everywhere, on bottles, on labels, on street-signs, in the newspapers, on TV, on the front of the stove 接着我呆住了,又一次被无可抵挡的力量击中,一下子明白过来:世上所有类似的符号,胡写乱画,四面八方的鬼画符——瓶子上,标签上,大街的招贴,报纸,电视,火炉前面,冰箱正面,到处都是这种符号,从前我向来不加理会,视而不见,不明其意,也从来没有真正注意的这些符号,身边所有这些符号,全都隐含意义,他们全都试图告诉我些什么,全都包藏智慧,想传达给我——之一我学会读它们。
And then I knew God was there in that room, with you. 我找到了上帝,就在那间病房里,和你同在。
And then I met you, Sirius. 然而,我见到了你,天狼星。

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