Finding liquid water on Mars would yield clues to more than geological processes. Liquid water has also been a key focus of the search for extraterrestrial life.
液态水的发现不仅仅只是提供地质处理的线索。液态水还是搜寻外星生命的关键。 |
Finding out this new information about their father shakes up their picture of the family and adds another challenge with which to cope alongside those of growing up.
当发现他/她父亲的情况时,这对他们心中的家庭画卷时一次大的震动,这给他们的成长旁加上了另一个挑战。 |
Finding out what they want.
得看看他们想乙 什麽。 |
Finding people to play with shouldn't be difficult. We have party and chat systems in place to aide users in discovering suitable partners.
在网上找人联机是非常简单的事情。我们有完善的工会和聊天系统以及自动寻找合适的伙伴的功能。 |
Finding planets is proving hard enough, but finding life on them will prove infinitely more difficult.
寻找行星证明相当困难,但是要在行星上发现生命会变得无比艰难。 |
Finding recipes in America is as easy as pie.
在美国寻找食谱可谓易如反掌。 |
Finding solutions is essential if we want to make the most of our caring.
如果我们要让关心落到实处,我们就必须找到解决办法。 |
Finding some form of support will speed up our progress.
找到某种支持可以加速你的进步。 |
Finding such ancient and far-off supernovae is difficult, however.
然而,想发掘如此古老而又遥远的超新星可不简单。 |
Finding that sham acupuncture is as effective as “real” acupuncture demonstrates that the Qi theory is full of holes.
「假针灸」与「真针灸」的效用相当,说明气的理论充满了漏洞。 |
Finding the Eye of God carved in stone - and the Tree of Life - 36 - in upstate New York.
发现神的眼睛它被刻在石头上-以及生命树-36-在纽约的北部。 |