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Shanghai Huayi Group is a large-scale enterprise group established by re-organization of assets with the authority of the State Assets Administrative Committee of Shanghai Municipal People's Government.

1 Shanghai Hong Jing Bioinstrumentation Manufacture Co.,Ltd with its strong technical strength and a high standard of technical staff users of the highly popular pro-gaze. 已记 看解释
2 Shanghai Hua Yan Gas Pipeline Engineering Development Co.,Ltd.and Shanghai Preussag Gas Pipeline Engineering Technology Co., Ltd.which are under Shanghai Gas Shi Nan Sales Company specially run the particular projects of gas transmission and distribution 已记 看解释
3 Shanghai Huaguan Enterprise Management Service Co.,Ltd. is a new established organization specializing in management consulting and taining on the basis of uniting with Shanghai Weilun Business Consulting Co.,Ltd.. Our business include the following field 已记 看解释
4 Shanghai Huahua Yeming Fluorocarbon Products Co.,Ltd is among the earliest factories that introduced advanced equipment,technologies and high-graderaw materials from overseas into the production of P.T.F.E Thread seal Tapes. 已记 看解释
5 Shanghai Huaxiao Hotel is built according to 3-starstandard..It is located at the inner cited of Gonghexia Road,neighboring Shanghai New Raillery Station,Shanghai Everbrighten City,to the south;adjoining Shabby Ark and Oriental Pearl Nice Food Street to t 已记 看解释
6 Shanghai Huayi Group is a large-scale enterprise group established by re-organization of assets with the authority of the State Assets Administrative Committee of Shanghai Municipal People's Government. 已记 看解释
7 Shanghai Huida Rubber Products Co.,Ltd.located close to Shanghai Pudong International Airport,enjoys convenient transportation and beautiful environment. 已记 看解释
8 Shanghai Huihua Chengye electronic Co.,Ltd is specialized in producing bending tie,steel ingot line clip,orientation patch,pressing line hat,connection port,cold pressing port,etc.which got across the attestation of ISO9001 qulity system,some products hav 已记 看解释
9 Shanghai Huizhong Cylinder Sleeve works,Shanghai Hezhong Internal-combustion accessories factory are the specialized factories which produce ZhongShanghaiInternal-combustion accessories and auxiliaries,Shanghai 135 diesel engine 495 A diesel engine,4100di 已记 看解释
10 Shanghai Hunan Welding Equipment Company Limited (originally Shanghai Hunan Electric Welder Factory) is a trans-regional, trans-industrial, trans-ownership limited company approved by Shanghai People's Government. 已记 看解释
11 Shanghai Information Center for International Visitors is information service institution for oversea visitors. It is established by Shanghai tourism management bureau、Shanghai Luwan government and Information Office of Shanghai Municipality. 已记 看解释

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