In the Middle East, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction posed a tangible threat.
在中东,大规模杀伤性武器的激增构成明显的威胁(或有形的威胁)。 |
In the Middle of the Hongwu Period, the trade was on and off, and sometimes out of order.
其间问题最多的是洪武中期前后,表现形式为官方贸易时断时续,有失常态。 |
In the Midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.
在变动和混乱当中,要能保持内在的平静。 |
In the Midwest, so much for spring.
在中西部地区,似乎看不到春天的影子。 |
In the Midwestof theUnited States a delightful Indian summer almost always occurs after a period of verycold weather.
在美国中西部,一段相当冷的天气后,出现的印地安夏暑(秋老虎)令人欣喜。 |
In the Ming Dynasty, Zhi Xu claimed the defects of Zen could only be remedied by the Tiantai Section.
此外,禅宗和天台宗还发生定祖、国清寺祖庭归属之争。 |
In the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Zaiyu initiated the twelve-tone temperament which later became the universal standard tones.
明代朱载首创十二平均律,后来被认定为世界通行的标准音调。 |
In the Minnesota north woods, it's easy to fall in love with sled dogs.
在明尼苏达北部森林里很容易爱上雪橇狗。 |
In the Mitnick affair a hacker infiltrated into many departments' networks, which threatened the security of the country.
在米尼克事件中,一个骇客潜入许多部门的电脑网路,这对国家的安全构成了威胁。 |
In the Mommy Brain, American writer Katherine Ellison argues that motherhood can give a woman unexpected mental advantages.
据英国“天空新闻网”4月19日报道,美国作家凯瑟琳·艾里森女士认为,怀孕会带给女人意想不到的智力飞跃。 |
In the NOD32 manual scanner, press Setting tab. You could config the action taken for different object.
在NOD32手动扫描器中,按「动作」页面。阁下便可以对应不同的物件进行设定。 |