CONCLUSIONS: Pneumonia after stroke is associated with older age, dysarthria/no speech due to aphasia, seerity of poststroke disability, cognitie impairment, and an abnormal water swallow test result.
结论:卒中后肺炎与年龄增大,发音困难或失语症所致的不能言语,卒中后残疾的严重度,认知障碍,以及异常的水检测试验结果相关。 |
CONCLUSIONS: Relative changes in serial NIHSS scores can serve as a simple clinical indicator of arterial status after intravenous thrombolysis.
结论∶一系列NIHSS记分的相对变化可以充当一个单纯的临床指标,反映静脉内溶栓后动脉的情况。 |
CONCLUSIONS: Schizophrenia is associated with altered white matter integrity in the tracts connecting the frontal cortex with the temporal and parietal cortices and with the contralateral frontal and temporal lobes.
结论:精神分裂症存在额叶和颞顶叶皮质的联结白质以及联系双侧额叶、颞叶的白质的完整性异常。 |
CONCLUSIONS: The reporting of trial outcomes is not only frequently incomplete but also biased and inconsistent with protocols.
结论:试验的总结报告经常会与原方案设计有出入。 |
CONCLUSIONS: The severity of postoperative pain significantly influences SC. Using cut-off values, NFSC may prove a useful tool for pain assessment in the postoperative period.
结论:术后疼痛的严重程度对皮肤电导有显著影响。通过界定值,NFSC可能成为评估术后疼痛的有力工具。 |
CONCLUSIONS: With the horizontal alveolar loss, the rotation center moved toward the apex and the capacity of periodontal support decreased significantly.
结论:随着牙周支持组织高度的逐渐降低,牙的旋转中心向根尖移动,牙周支持组织对牙的支持能力明显减弱。 |
CONCLUSIONS: Zonisamide is safe, effectie and well tolerated at 25 to 100 mg/day as an adjunctie treatment in patients with Parkinson disease.
结论:唑尼沙胺作为帕金森疾病患者的辅助治疗,其每日剂量为25至100毫克是安全有效且耐受性良好的。 |
CONCORD, N.H. (AP) -- Demand for the accine against cerical cancer is outstripping supply as New Hampshire offers the shots for free, leading some proiders to create waiting lists.
自新罕布什尔州提供免费宫颈癌疫苗后,该州就出现了疫苗的短缺,一些供应商处还打出了等候的列表。 |
CONFIRMATION THAT synesthesia is real brings up the question, Why do some people experience this weird phenomenon?
证实了联觉的真实性,就带来下面的问题:为什麽有人会经验到这种奇特的现象? |
CONFORMATION: The structure and physical characteristics of a dog.
[构造:狗的结构和身体特性。 |
CONFRONTED by a growing army of speculators, on June 11th the Reserve Bank of New Zealand decided enough was enough—and let rip with the peashooter.
面临着不断壮大的投机大军,新西兰储备银行于6月11日决定已经忍无可忍了——遂拿出玩具枪来乱扫一通。 |