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There are a few neat little webapps out there that produce custom PDF's of formatted, lined notepaper with various options for printing out before your meeting and possibly stowing in a binder.

There are a few folk art groups in Hongcun Village of Yixian County, who give drama shows in farmers' courtyards from time to time, to amuse farmers and publicize local traditional folk arts to visitors as well. 在安徽黟县宏村等地活跃着不少民间文艺团体,经常在农家庭院进行表演,自娱自乐同时也向游人展示了地方传统曲艺的魅力。
There are a few grammatical errors,but all in all it is a good essay. 虽然有些文法上的错误,但总的来说,这是一篇好的论文。
There are a few important things to keep in mind when using this tactic. 当使用这战术时,还要考虑一些重要的因素。
There are a few managers who are lucky enough to have the service of that rare kind of secretary who take care of all sorts of letter writing with no more than a quick note to work from. 有一些经理们非常幸运,有只凭几句简短的交待就能处理各种信函的出色秘书的协助。
There are a few minutes to ask questions after speech. 演讲后,将会有几分钟时间用于提问。
There are a few neat little webapps out there that produce custom PDF's of formatted, lined notepaper with various options for printing out before your meeting and possibly stowing in a binder. 在一些小的整洁的网站上提供了很多的格式化了的PDF(一种网络格式)便签纸,在会议之前你可以选择并打印出来装订成册。
There are a few other things that I'm not allowed to disclose at this time, but suffice it to say, Resident Evil 4 for the PS2 is undoubtedly one to watch. 生化4里还有一些另外的东西,但这次不能向大家透露,但是我可以肯定的说!即将发行的PS2版生化4的确还有一些我们以前没看到过的新东西!
There are a few problems with the new computer system that we have to iron out. 有一些计算机系统的问题待我们去解决。
There are a few seats on buses reserved for senior citizens and the pregnant. 公共汽车上设有一些 老人和孕妇的专座.
There are a few secular state holidays (e.g., Independence Day) and some solar holidays, such as the entry of the Sun into the sign of Aries (mesa-samkranti), marking the beginning of the new astrological year; the Sun's entry into the sign of Capricornus 有几个世俗的国家假期(比如,独立日),还有一些有关太阳的节日,比如太阳进入白羊座的节日(玛萨—山卡提),标记着新的占星年开始;太阳进入摩羯座(玛卡拉——山卡提),标记着冬至日,但与一个古老的收割节日接合,在南印度作为丰收节而被广泛地庆祝,而摩诃维苏亚节,是除夕。
There are a few situations where it is useful for a component to perform some operations, usually some kind of initialization or caching, based on the lifecycle of the page. 有一些有用的情形对于组件去执行某些事件。通常是基于页面生命周期的初始化或缓存。

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