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Another part of the search engine builds indexes from the information found by the robot.

Another organization involved in this kind of work is Catholic Relief Services, based in Baltimore, Maryland. 另一个从事此类工作的机构是天主教信仰组织。其总部在马里兰州的巴尔的摩。
Another pair were a bit more challenging. 而阿丽莎·萨沃宁家的一对小狗就不那么好对付了。
Another paper was on church reform. 另一份奏章是关于教会改革的。
Another part of his equation is the ability to observe and accept all possibilities with an open-mind. 另外,还需要具备观察力及开放的胸怀来接受所有的变数。
Another part of the algorithm points out when to start it. 治疗流程的另外一部分指明了何时开始二甲双胍治疗。
Another part of the search engine builds indexes from the information found by the robot. 搜索引擎的另一个部分将机器人搜索到的信息建立成索引。
Another partner in your life to abuse and to adore? 又一个伙伴在你的生活里虐待和爱慕?
Another passenger came in at the time when she was abound to leave the hotel. 她正要离开这家饭店时,另一位旅客进来了.
Another passenger came in while she was going out of this restaurant. 她正要离开这家饭店时,另一位旅客进来了.
Another person began to compose music even though he had no musical training. 另外一个没有受过音乐训练的人开始作曲。
Another person keeping a close watch on the figures is Xie Qihua, the chairwoman of Baosteel, China's biggest steel company. 另一个密切关注这些数字的人,是中国最大钢铁公司宝钢集团的董事长谢企华。

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